Enter, expand or reboot the Japanese market now:

Take advantage of the fact, your competitors wont exhibit in Japan. It might be the best opportunity you will ever get for a long time, enter or expand on the Japanese market.

​We offer total support, from preparation to follow up related to exhibition in Japan. You dont need to go to Japan to exhibit in Japan. We will take care of it all. You will chat with the visitors online realtime from whereever you might be at the time of the exhibition.

Our total service also offer finding business partners in Japan, like importers, dealers or service partners.

Explore our one of a kind Japan total exhibition support services specialized in non-Japanese companies exhibiting in Japan.

We offer all in one support from preparations like selecting the right exhibition, apply for booths, preparation, import and custom clearance of your products / equipment, finding a booth constructor, and booth decorator, actual exhibition and participation in the exhibition, finding Japanese and English speaking staff to attend the booth, attend the exhibition, father market intelligence from visitors, reporting about the exhibition including business cards and comments from the visitors and finally follow up and assistance with actual business.

You dont need to be present in Japan physically to exhibit. We will organize the actual exhibition booth(-s), and you can be present online, so you can chat with the visitors realtime during the exhibition.

Our follow up options include listing potential partners with pros and cons, visiting and negotiating constracts with potential importers / partners and also assisting you with the actual business following the exhibition. We also advice reg. how to do business in Japan and assist you in case you get trouble / complaints. If things are going too slow, we offer solutions. If you dont understand your Japanese partners, well all you have to do is to ask us.

What we offer is a total package nobody else offers from selection of exhibition, assisting your company through the whole process of exhibiting in Japan, to the actual business.

Our Japanese network and parnters:

We have a vast network in Japan, build up through the last 25 years. Our network covers many industries including some of the largest exhibition organizer companies. Recently we joined a network in Japan consisting of more than 50.000 company owners and CEOs. Many of those are looking for tie ups with foreign companies either to import to Japan or export from Japan. Be the first to exploit the opportunities.

Take advantage:

Despite the very unfortunate circumstances, there are no reasons not to take advantage of the present situation. Covid is here to stay, and it is time to move on understanding the new situation. Competition has changed worldwide, and now its time to play by the new rules. The sooner companies start playing by the new rules, the bigger the chance of getting a bigger share of the market.
We offer you the advantage of being present on the Japanese market.

Now is the time to reboot the Japanese market and get ahead of all your competitors who cant or wont exhibit in Japan. From March 2020, foreign exhibitors in Japan has vanished. The need of new and interesting products in Japan has never been so huge. If you cant go, let us be your team in Japan!

Please have a look at our wide range of services and let us know how we can assist you exhibiting in Japan, entering the Japanese market, expanding on the market, beating your competitor.

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